Friday, April 20, 2012

"Deep, Deep Love" by Herb Frombach

"Deeper than the pain of the mobs bitter words, is the love of the Savoir who only says forgive."
Those words are taken from the song Deep, Deep Love. My church choir sang that song at our Tenebrae service on Good Friday. It was the last song we sang and we sang this song and the song before it in complete darkness. You can youtube this song and hear it for yourself but just think of how this song can impact you in the light! Think of how it impacted everyone when sung in the dark!
Read the lyrics again.
"Deeper than the pain of the mobs bitter words, is the love of the Savoir who only says forgive."
How true those words are! Our Savior's love goes deeper than anything that we can imagine! Also his love in never fading. Aren't we glad that that is true? He will love us and guide us forever. What a great and amazing God we serve!
"Deeper than the thorns pressing into His brow, is the love of a Son who dies for everyone."
"Love never failing to hear my call demands my soul, my life, my all."

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