Wednesday, February 25, 2009

how amazing is our God!!!

okay, so i have some exciting news for everyone!!!! my sister saved!!!!!!!! it makes me so excited!! i was getting afraid i have to say. when i posted 'my favorite verse' i got sad. i was thinking that Caroline might be the one that was going to be burned over and over again while i'm praising God. i was so afraid that might happen. but i realized that when i am afraid i am not glorifying the Lord, setting a godly example for my sister, and not trusting in the Lord. i was really convicted by that. so i decided to let the Lord take over and i put my trust in the Lord. and looked what happened!! it just makes me so excited!! i thought i would share this exciting news with you all!!


  1. That is very exciting indeed! She (kind of) told us about it tonight at her small group. We'll keep praying for ongoing and increasing affections and obedience.

  2. SWEET!! Now we can hold her accountable with the decesions she makes!

  3. Wonderful! There should be no more JOYOUS thought for any Christian than that his friends will spend eternity with him. Thanks for the encouragement. Keep us posted.
