Sunday, February 22, 2009


are you setting a godly example for people? younger, older? siblings, friends, strangers? i know that i don't always set that great of an example for people. with younger people i just don't think that they are watching what i do. but they are. the same with older people, i just don't think that they are watching me, looking at my life and how i live it.
i know that with my siblings i didn't really care how i acted around them. but i do care now!! (just to let you know i will most likely be talking about snow retreat a lot). during snow retreat i had realized how bad of an example that i was setting for my sisters. especially with my little sister Caroline. i had never set a good example for her, not even an okay one. i broke down crying when i finally figured that one out. i see so much of me in her and how i acted before i got saved, and that is not good. i have been trying to work on this. (remember you need the Lord's help you cannot do it on your own). and so i asked the Lord for His help and He totally is helping me with it!!! and i am seeing a change, my sisters are seeing a change, and even people that aren't in my family are seeing a change!!! it makes me so excited!!
okay lets see, what are we on? oh, friends. i have always thought about what people were saying about me but never what they were saying about my spiritual life. it scares me now that i never thought of that! but now i am! i am always wondering if i am showing off the Lord or what i can do to show Him off even more. i love it!!
strangers are kind of like friends. but i rarely thought, "do they think that i am christian?" that really didn't ever cross my mind. i was to much into myself and worried about what i looked like that i never thought about it. that is selfishness!!!
don't do what i did. you need to ask yourself, "are they seeing Christ in my life?". we need to think of better ways to show God off more.


  1. O!

    I just found your blog, like one minute ago! What? Why didn't you tell me? Or did you tell me and I paid no attention? That would be wrong of me.

    Anyway, I can totally hear you talking in your posts, and I've subscribed to your blog so I won't miss another!

  2. That totally convicted me!! Thanks for the wake up call, Olivia.
