Wednesday, September 23, 2009

confronting people

so i might not make sense on this post. i'm not really sure how to explain what i want to say. so if you know what i'm trying to say but don't think others will please write a comment. or even if i am completely wrong with how i am writing this write a comment. i would greatly appreciate it.

why don't friends confront their friends when they are sinning? why do you just let them keep scooting backwards from God? why don't you just ask the Lord for strength and confront them in a godly, i want to help you follow Christ way? is it because you don't want to lose them as a friend or is it because you just can't do it? those aren't very good reasons. do you know how important it is to tell someone that they are sinning? if no one ever did that we would have really no Christians.
i have recently confronted one of my friends and if i hadn't who knows what would have happened if she kept on sinning (just so you know she repented and is right with God now). who cares if you lose their friendship? well, you would. that is what kept me from going to my friend. i had told myself for the longest time that i needed to talk to her but i then told myself that she would not be my friend after i talked with her. that was on my mind alot. i was thinking like a week later and this is what i thought, "trying to win her back to Christ and telling her that she is sinning is way more important then our friendship." it might seem like i don't care about my friend but i do. i love her to death!! i had wrote everything down that i wanted to say to her and was going to call her, actually i was going to call her today, but Christ had His own plan and brought it before today. but i was prepared to talk to her. and like i said she saw that she was sinning and repented! that made my day! to see her come back to Christ was just wonderful!
but if you are planning on going to someone and tell them that they are sinning you need to first make sure that you are not going to be a hypocrite and tell them something that you yourself are doing. you need to get the log out of your own eye before you go after the speck in your friend's. (Matthew 7:5). BUT if you are the one who is being confronted and the person who is confronting you didn't get the log out of his own eye first don't go and attack him (so to speak). say to him, "thank you for telling me. i appreciate you coming to me." and if it's true, then you should go and take care of your sin and repent. then after you have done that you can go to that person, IF they have not themselves repented of that sin, and tell them that you have seen a pattern of sin recently that you think they need to take care of. it is so important to go to or friend or your sibling and tell them that they are sinning. if you don't that sin might cause them to keep scooting farther and farther from God.

1 comment:

  1. hey olivia, this was really good, a few typos but for the most part, easy to read and understand :)
    i would like to comment though that if you really are a friend, you will care more about the other person's soul then their friendship with you, which would lead you to confront them. as a generation, i fear that we think to little upon the souls of others and more on their feelings and emotions. comparing souls and emotions, one last for eternity future while the other last for a mere breath, so i then ask which is more important, they one that will effect someone for eternity or for a few seconds? the other that effects them for eternity. we must strive to be shepherds of souls and not merely friends to emotions.
    knowing you, you were thinking this and were close to this point, though i didn't quite pick up on it fully from reading your blog post, so i figured i would add it now :)
