going through this process of moving is a very difficult thing. i have never gone through anything like this before. the only thing i can liken it to is moving from sharing a room with Caroline to sharing a room with Katherine and having to move all of my stuff into that room. but other than that little process i have not been through anything like this.
Moving, packing, saying good-bye are some of the hardest things i have ever had to do. if i was just moving to Marysville or something like that i won't mind as much but moving to Ohio!!! now that is completely different.
I have always just wanted to live here. i even said to my parents when i was younger that when they die they better will this house to me. I thought i would be in this house until i went to college and then come back to it after i was finished at college. But that's not how God wants it and i'll just have to be content with it.
as we are getting everything ready to move and ready to put the house on the market i have been thinking to myself that everyone should go though a process like this. Where they have to put complete trust in the Lord. I mean we should be doing that every day of our lives but for some reason we don't seem to do it until have are in that trial and need help. its sad that we do that. and i am ashamed to say that that is what i did. this moving to Ohio has made me run to Christ more and more. I don't think in my three and half years of being a Christian that i have ever been more close to Christ than now. everyone should be clinging to Christ now rather then when something like, moving across the country comes up so then you are already prepared spiritually and kind of physically for something big in your life to happen.
sorry for rambling. i just have alot lot of thoughts running around in my head that i wanted to write down and then perhaps get some feedback on so then i know if how i'm thinking is crazy or not.
Thank you for reading.